shield with graduation hat Security training

Security training

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Assess and strengthen each user’s security knowledge gaps through regular, bite-sized training courses that are prioritised based on their risk areas. Key standards like ISO 27001 require regular staff training.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
dark blue opening envelope Phishing simulation

Phishing simulation

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Identify which employees are susceptible to sophisticated and common phishing attacks through periodic simulations, and educate those who show high risk. Key standards like ISO 27001 require regular staff training.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
Compliance, policies and insurance logo Active campaigns

Active campaigns

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Scheduled and seasonal cyber security training.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
dial with warning symbol Risk score

Risk score

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A risk score that indicates your organisation’s cybersecurity risk.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
graph and line charts Management reporting

Management reporting

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Access and provide proof of security awareness training for compliance and GDPR.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
checklist logo Policies


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Choose from an online catalogue of essential employee policies.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
hacker with all seeing eye Dark web monitoring

Dark web monitoring

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Matching your user and password credentials to those available on the dark web.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium NFP
  • Not for profit
The Premium
  • Starter Plans
The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
The Secure
  • Starter Plans
pen writing on back of envelope Signature management

Signature management

Take control of your organisations signatures with our easy-to-use management tools.

Email signature management is the process of creating and managing email signatures for an organization’s employees. It ensures that all employees have a consistent and professional email signature that includes the necessary information such as name, title, and contact information. Email signature management can help businesses improve their brand image and ensure that all employees are following the same guidelines.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
arrow through envelope Spear phishing

Spear phishing

Spear phishing is a type of phishing attack that targets a specific individual or group of individuals within an organisation, and tries to trick them into divulging sensitive information, downloading malware, or unwittingly sending payments to the attacker.

Spear phishing attacks are very effective and difficult to prevent. We simulate spear phishing attacks as part of our security training programme.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
dark blue tick with circle background 2 Cyber essentials

Cyber essentials

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme that shows that businesses protect their data against cyber attacks. It is a set of technical controls that organisations should have in place to protect themselves against common online security threats.

The scheme is suitable for all organisations, of all sizes, and in all sectors, but it is a must have for highly regulated industries and organisations hoping to win contracts from government organisations. Cyber Essentials certification can help you win new business and reassure your customers that you take the cyber security of their data seriously.

With our certification service, we can guarantee that you pass first time, saving time and money.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Premium +
  • Advanced Plans
The Regulator
  • Advanced Plans
Cyber essentials plus

Cyber essentials plus

Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK government-backed scheme that shows that businesses protect their data against cyber attacks. It is a set of technical controls that organisations should have in place to protect themselves against common online security threats.

The scheme is suitable for all organisations, of all sizes, and in all sectors, but it is a must have for highly regulated industries and organisations hoping to win contracts from government organisations. Cyber Essentials certification can help you win new business and reassure your customers that you take the cyber security of their data seriously.

Cyber Essentials Plus is distinct from Cyber Essentials in that an ethical hacker will test your security and provide feedback and recommendations.

With our certification service, we can guarantee that you pass first time, saving time and money.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
gdpr scroll GDPR certification

GDPR certification

Certification schemes that can help you demonstrate compliance with the GDPR. These schemes are designed to help organisations demonstrate that they have taken appropriate measures to comply with the GDPR.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
person in disguise Penetration testing

Penetration testing

Penetration testing is a simulated cyber attack on a computer system that is performed to evaluate the security of the system. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify any weak spots in a system’s defenses which attackers could take advantage of.

This service is included in the following of our standard packages

The Complete
  • Advanced Plans
Starter Plans Advanced Plans Not for profit
See Our Plans